Happy New Year, folks! Welcome to 2021! (Please be kind, 2021).
Who else has made a new year resolution to live a healthier lifestyle this year? Are you making plans to lose 10+ pounds? Attempting to go vegan? Increase your fruits and veggies intake? Exercise and get your body moving more?
I’m with ya.
About a month ago, I was diagnosed with two different and very common disorders that can’t be cured. However, as I was reading up and doing my research, all articles and testimonies concluded to the same thing: leading an all-around healthy lifestyle can help alleviate their side effects immensely. So needless to say, I’ve been thinking about my body a lot lately and how I can better take care of it. And what better way to dive into that topic than with God’s Word?

In 1 Chronicles 29, God ordered Solomon to build a temple made out of the following (in HUGE quantities might I add):
Fine stones
Not only that, Solomon’s right hand men and leaders also willingly contributed to this temple:
5000 talents & 10,000 darics of gold
10,000 talents of silver
18,000 talents of bronze
100,000 talents of iron
…and basically anyone who had precious stones
Solomon’s project clearly had a hefty price tag.
1 Corinthians 6:19 says, ”Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own…”
Because of the sacrifice, grace, and love God so sufficiently gives His children, our temples (our bodies) are worth much more than this physical temple.
And because these men took great care and generously contributed to this temple for the Lord, what more in taking care of our temples? The very thing that God Himself created?

Not only can we care for our bodies through exercise and nutrition, we can also take maintain it through the words we say, the things that we do, what we watch, and the thoughts we allow in our minds.
So the question is: how are you taking care of your God-given temple this year?